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Edward's sharing for GLOW

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Joined: 30 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 1:39 pm    Post subject: Edward's sharing for GLOW Reply with quote

I just want to make my sharing of GLOW from the perspective of a music-lover. (It may not be from a Christian’s point of view.)

I wanna share something interesting first.

那天知道GLOW 已發行後,跑到以琳書房,當時店中正播放著一首旋律優美的外語歌, 有點像日語或韓語流行曲的,我聽了一會,心想,不會是日劇 / 韓劇的插播曲吧。(現時日/韓劇在香港很流行呢),我不敢多問店員,但發現店內「正在播放」的架上,放著的就是「GLOW」。
I went to Elim Bookstore on the day after the release of GLOW. When I dropped the bookstore, a canorous foreign song like a Japanese or Korean popular song was broadcasting now. After listening for a while, I guessed it should not be the episode of a Japanese or Korean drama. (Japanese or Korean drama is quite popular in Hong Kong right now.) I dared not ask the shop assistant, but discovered that “GLOW” was on “displaying” list now.

單看這個專輯的封面,跟 SOP 往常的專輯差不多,把歌詞頁取出來後就不一樣了,光面過膠厚粉紙的印刷,歌詞閱讀式由左至右橫向,變成上至下縱向,給人一種煥然一新的感覺。(刻意的嗎??)也要多謝 SOP 附送了dvd (製作成本高了)。
The design of GLOW is similar to SOP previous P&W albums. But I find the difference in the lyric booklet, the design gives people a sense of refreshment. Is this change designedly? The printing paper has been changed. The presentation of the lyrics has been altered from horizontally (left to right) to vertically (upwards to downwards). And thank SOP for a bonus DVD. The production cost is higher btw.

起初知道這個是青年GLOW 專輯時,心想 SOP 可能要在這個專案走一個更年青的路線,玩更強勁的音樂(不期然就將 Hillsong 跟 Hillsong united 與 SOP 比較),可是聽畢整張 CD 後,發覺又不是那麼的一回事。那是一種叫人可以很放鬆,可以悠閒地享受的音樂風格。我選了一個晚上,關掉了燈,去欣賞這張專輯,發覺其實這張專輯可以有另一個名字 -「SOP cafe」。打從第4首開始的曲目,都是很常在 cafe / coffee shop 聽到的音樂種類 : 輕音樂、folk song、 jazz。這種感覺尤其在充滿爵士樂風格的第10曲 "喜樂的旋律" 及 11曲"天天讚美" 中找到。我躺在椅上,一邊聽著一邊舒適得想要睡。當然那是在主的平安喜樂中的舒適。
My first impression of youthful GLOW album is that SOP is going to run more youngling line and to play more swinging music. Otherwise, I will compare SOP music with Hillsong and Hillsong united. I find it is out of my impression after listening to the whole CD. GLOW can make people more relaxed and enjoy the music style leisurely. I choose to enjoy this album in the dark one night. I have figured out that this album can actually get another name “SOP cafe”. Starting from the 4th lyric, you can always listen to different kinda music: light music, folk song and jazz in café or coffee shop. The 10th “Joyful Melody” and the 11th “Praise my Lord” are especially full of jazz style. While I am lying on the chaise longue and listening, I feel kinda leisure in God’s peace and joy and wanna sleep.

起首的《GLOW 世代》、《萬國得知你的救恩》都是很熟識的sop曲式, 開始的時候點燃大家敬拜的心。《GLOW世代》的電子化編曲是新嘗試, 開段差點認不出是sop 的作品。 這個以兩首快曲目作大碟起始的安排,有點像前作"深觸的心",可是我比較喜歡前作,《看見復興》和《我的救贖主活著》的音樂編排來得比較強勁,反而更帶點青年人的衝勁。
The 1st “GLOW Gen.” and the 2nd “Let the world know”, which are SOP’s familiar arrangement, can inspire our heart of worship at the beginning. SOP has made a breakthrough – electronic arrangement in “GLOW Gen.”. I can hardly realize its introduction as SOP’s work. The arrangement of GLOW starting with two fast lyrics sounds familiar to “How precious you are to me”. But I prefer “How precious you are to me” to GLOW. The music arrangement for “Until we see you” and “My redeemer lives” comes rather swinging, carries the drive of the youth instead.

SOP 團隊以一詞二曲的《GLOW世代》及《主領我路》來個創意上突破,我猜不到為甚麼要做這個一詞二曲,但兩首曲的曲風真的是南轅北轍,《GLOW世代》走的是年青的電子化,《主領我路》卻來點黑人騷靈音樂的風味,讓不同喜好的聽眾們自行對號入座,各取所好。我較喜歡《主領我路》的風味。It is my cup of tea。
SOP team has produced “GLOW Gen.” and “God lead our way” in one lyric and two clefs to have a breakthrough in idea. But I cannot figure out how come SOP does this. The styles for both songs are really different. “GLOW Gen.” aims at youthful electronics while “God lead our way” carries the jazz style in African-American. Different audience can take their preferences to pick from either of them. I prefer the style of “God lead our way” more. It is my cup of tea.

提到《主領我路》,不得不提 Dan Li 李德揚弟兄,這個專輯中,他在曲、編、唱、彈奏等各方面都有很大的發揮,很多首樂曲都有Dan 的結他參與,而鋼琴 / keyboard 的參與相對好像減少了,整張專輯就很有 folk song 的味道。如《緊緊抓住你》、《光明之子》、《生命劇場》、《祝你生日快樂》、《如果耶穌沒有來》、《主差遣我(英)》等。喜愛重新編排的 《光明之子》,和聲及樂器比舊版本豐富多了,接下來的專輯中還會不會有其他曲目重新出現呢 ?
I cannot help mentioning brother Dan Li for “God lead our way”. He has exerted in making lyrics and clefs and playing in this CD. On the one hand, Dan has participated his “guitar” role in many songs. On the other hand, his participation in piano or keyboard seems relatively insignificant. Thus, GLOW album is full of the style in folk song such as “Holding onto you”, “Children of light”, “Life theater”, “Happy birthday to you”, “If Jesus has not come” and “Send me, Lord (English)” etc. I like the re-arrangement of “Children of light” especially for the chorus and instruments. The new version is much richer than the old version. Will SOP make more re-arrangements for old lyrics in the forthcoming albums?

《生命劇場》帶來了SOP 的新聲音,首次獨唱的Jim Kang有著很特別的嗓子,也包辦了曲、詞、和聲,尤其喜歡那些和聲的部份。這首曲是生活裡的體會,很有共鳴。同樣來自生活中的分享還有 Frank Cheng 的《緊緊抓住你》, 裡面有我整張專輯中最喜愛的歌詞 : “當我覺得我不行, 你告訴我可以”。這句是我軟弱時候的提醒。
“Life theater” has brought a new voice for SOP. Jim Kang, who gets an inimitable voice to sing solo part for the 1st time, has participated in making clefs, lyrics and chorus. I do especially like the chorus part. This lyric is an experience from his life and it is easy to gain resonance. “Holding onto you” created by Frank Cheng is another lyric for what he shares in life. I am moved by the most beloved lyric, which is “When I feel I can’t, you say I can.” in this CD, when I am weak.

滿有 jazz feel 的《喜樂的旋律》及《天天讚美》也是SOP 團隊給我的驚喜。"我將一切憂慮全部卸給你"。多好。聽過以後,就把憂慮全交給主,然後跟著好樂曲快樂地啦啦啦。多好。我有點點喜歡jazz,很高興 SOP 把jazz 帶給我們,一新我們耳目,拓展我們的音樂空間,印象中華語現代基督教音樂中好像沒有 jazz 的份兒。
I am surprised by SOP team to produce “Joyful melody” and “Praise my lord” in jazz feel. How great is that “I have lifted all my worries to you”! After listening to them, all the worries have been lifted up to God. Great! We can sing la la la …… joyfully with the music. It’s cool that SOP has brought the audience to jazz with refreshment. SOP has exerted the room for music. It seems that jazz is not a part of the modern Christian music in Chinese. I get to like jazz more ……

我覺得《差遣我》合唱版是SOP十張專輯以來最宏偉澎湃的作品。歌曲起首由個人聲音帶引,至二人和聲合唱,繼而漸進至全體團隊的大合唱。假如看著MV的話,更能感受那份奉獻的情懷。個人尤其喜愛二人合音部份,有著很多的和聲變化,安排很精彩。個人覺得這個唱法編排非常適合SOP,一直有聽SOP 專輯的朋友,都會認識個別 幕前 / 幕後 / vocalist / musician 的名字,而且他們的歌曲陪伴我們多個年頭,聽這首歌的感覺就像將很多個別的個體重新聯合一起,是一個團隊力量的見證。SOP走過這麼長的一段路,經歷過高山與低谷,還仍然繼續事奉主,很不容易(有些單位可能已經撐不了解散)。其實這首歌假如放在 SOP 的十周年專輯中會更適合。
I feel that the chorally version of “Send me, Lord” is the most greatest work of SOP for ten albums. This song starts with solo, further to two-member chorus, and eventually further to all-member choir. I think this arrangement is suitable for SOP. If you take a look at MV, you can get their love of offer. I do especially like two-member chorus with great arrangements and many variations. If those who are the audience of SOP, they will recognize the name of forestage, production team, vocalist or musician personally. We are walking with their songs for many years. Listening to “Send me, Lord” just like witnessing a testimony for the unity of team strength. It’s not easy that SOP still persists on the ministry to serve God. She has been walking a long and winding road, going through many ups and downs. (Some ministry might have already dissolved.) Actually speaking, it would be more appropriate if “Send me, Lord” is recorded in the 10th anniversary album.

反而英文版《差遣我》有點淒滄的意味,轉盤上播出這首歌時,我的眼淚差點掉下來。"tell me oh Lord, how you want me to give your life , to the world where there's no hope", "Do you see all the people sinking down, don't you see people aching in the darkness alone"。尤其這個專輯發生在南亞海嘯以後,天天新聞都有災區的報導,這兩段歌詞彷彿就在問上帝的為甚麼。(這當然不是Mary 的原意)。
On the other hand, “Send me, Lord (English)” makes people feel ups and downs. When the CD player broadcasts, “Tell me oh Lord, how you want me to give your life, to the world where there’s no hope” and “don’t you see people arching in the darkness alone”, I can hardly control my tears. GLOW album was released after the occurrence of tsunami and much news was reported daily. It seemed that the above lyrics questioned God why. (Of course, it is not what Mary makes it for.)

當然這個專輯也有很多詩歌讓我們能享受與神的親密。如《永遠唱著讚美》、《最深愛的主》、《主阿我要跟隨你》等,其中《主啊,我要跟隨你》原來是收錄在台語敬拜讚美專輯 ”你是信實的上帝” 中的,我不懂台語,所以沒有購買,但感謝Sandy重新加上歌詞,把這曲介紹給我們。這個曲一聽起來就是要高舉雙手讚美主的曲目,但我從SOP網站中試聽這歌時,發覺原來的薩克斯風+鋼琴+大合唱的編排更加吸引,那應該是個”敬拜版”吧。
We can of course enjoy the intimate relation with God from the lyrics of this album such as “Forever sing your praise”, “The love of my life” and “Lord, I want to follow you” etc. By the way, “Lord, I want to follow you” was originally recorded in the Taiwanese P&W album “You are a faithful God”. I have not taken it because I don’t know Taiwanese. Thank Sandy for making a new lyric and introducing it to us. “Lord, I want to follow you” is a lyric that we have to lift up our hands to praise Him. But when I browse SOP website to hear the demo online, I find the mixed arrangement of saxophone, piano and choir much more attractive. That should be the “worship version” of “Lord, I want to follow you”.

對於GLOW專輯,我認識的朋友說 "歌曲不適合用來作敬拜"。可能受眾的重點都放到"用途"之上,"是否適合用作帶領敬拜"似乎是大家所看重的,那可能是因為SOP專輯一直以來祝福著大家的教會,他們提供了很多詩歌供我們在敬拜上主時使用,以往專輯也是以"敬拜讚美" 為主題。可是,我卻覺得這張專輯是一張可以一邊真正享受 SOP 音樂,但同時又可以與父神有親密關係的專輯,整張專輯的音樂,編曲及歌唱的安排都較以往的專輯來得成熟,曲風亦有突破性的嘗試。作為 SOP 的另一系列,希望GLOW專輯能延續下去。
The friends I know say that the lyrics of GLOW album are not suitable for leading worship. The point is that the audience put their focus on “usage”, in other words, “appropriation to lead worship”. In the past, SOP has focused on “worship and praise”. She has provided many lyrics for worship use and brought many blessings to our churches. However, I have figured out that GLOW album not only makes me enjoy SOP music, but also enjoys the intimacy with God. The making and arrangement of lyrics has become mature in GLOW album. There is also a breakthrough in style presented. I do hope that SOP can continue to make another series – GLOW.
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Joined: 29 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 8:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

wow, Amy. You had a copy of this. great!
Jim Kang
讚美之泉網路部門 Stream of Praise Dept. Dept.
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Joined: 30 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 1:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

oh amy, many thank.

i have deleted my post on PC la..........
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