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Subject: Could u share with us ?
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Hi Dave,

I see that SOP Asian tour is a very successful event. Praise the Lord !! Praise the Lord more when seeing so many people give themselves to the Lord ! It's wonderfully amazing !!

Just wonder if you or the SOP members could share with us how you experienced God in the tour. His presence must be magnificent.Prayer must be one of the crucial ring to get connected to the Lord.

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RE: Could u share with us ?
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Dear Salimas,

Praise the Lord for everything!!!
Thank you so much for writing us. Wow, to talk about how
experienced God through out this tour, I think it will take me a
few days and several pages of typing and still I won't be able to
state all that the Lord has done. So instead, I will share with you
one of the many ways how the Lord was with us during the

Going on Asia tour is one of the man thing that excites me here
at SOP. Although exhausting, it is just marvelous to see
hundreds and thousands of people worshipping the Lord day
after day after day. It is like attending your church's Sunday
service everyday, meeting God everyday. (assuming that you find
excitement every Sunday morning)
Being in East Malaysia was especially exciting for us. I
remember having to wake up at 4:30 in the morning to catch a
plane several times to setup and prepare for a praise and
worship event the same day. Not to say that we've just finished
an event the evening before.
Right before the time of the event, there was this one time that I
was so tired from the moving and the setup that I felt I really
don't have the strength to stand, jump, and dance for another 3
hrs on the stage.

Well to keep a long story short, I made a short prayer to God. I
don't remember the complete prayer, but I told God that I am
exhausted, and I have already used up my last drop of energy. It
is all up to you now.

Needless to say, when the music started, I don't even remember
of being tired. In fact, I think I jumped higher and sang louder
than ever.

My point is, just when we think we have used up all of our wit,
and our strength, it is when we really depend fully on God. That
was when our real source of strength comes from.

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RE: Could u share with us ?
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Dear Dave,

Really enjoy your sharing. I have always been thinking how wonderful that could be if i could just live each and every day like it is the church's Sunday service.Just could not stop thinking how it would be like if one lives a life like this.

I have been reading a book recently and it is called 'Touch the World through Prayer' by Wesley L. Duewel. He talked about evangelistic crusade and he said, 'So often prayer for a particular area rapidly diminishes after the close of the crusade when the team moves on to the next assignment, and the seed planted in many lives waits for the life-producing rains. This is the time to water the seed through prayer.' Just wish to share with you my favourite bit.


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